Our clients say... Immense buying power
Very, very strong in the energy sector


Our clients say... Truly working together with me, the client
On my side at all times

Whether you are a small businessman or work within a large global brand, there can be little doubt the name of your business will have been carefully chosen to explain what you do, demonstrate authority in your market or just to have fun. Or all three, like Powerful Allies.


Our clients say... Great name, great philosophy
Intelligent energy buying

The name Powerful Allies seeks to emphasise how we harness immense buying power through the best business energy wholesalers and service providers in the UK, and then deliver these benefits to our clients, our Allies with whom we share common objective and values. We hope the name says it all...


Energy Procurement

Energy Procurement

Energy Reduction

Energy Reduction

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy


RWK Goodman advise on sale of Powerful Allies to Zenergi

Law firm RWK Goodman has acted for the shareholders of leading renewable energy contract provider Powerful Allies on its sale to ECI Partners portfolio company and energy and sustainability services provider, Zenergi. Powerful Allies was founded 10 years ago by James Robson who wanted to “make things better” and be a truly trusted partner for clients needing energy supply support. Read the Rest…

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What is the Targeted Charging Review?

What is the Targeted Charging Review (TCR)? The Targeted Charging Review (TCR) is being implemented from 1st April 2022, the changes will modify the way maintenance and improvements to the Local and National Grid Distribution Systems are paid for. All business energy supplies will be grouped into fixed price bands based on the type of metering, voltage, and capacity. Until Read the Rest…

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What is Renewable or Green Gas?

Biomethane or ‘Biogas’ is a renewable alternative to natural gas, resulting of the decay of organic matter. Biogas can be harvested in an anaerobic digestor or from landfill, and synthetic gas (‘syngas’) can be produced from the gasification of biomass (this process involves heating the biomass to release the volatile gaseous compounds). These gaseous compounds (60-65% methane and 30-35% CO2) Read the Rest…

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The process of quoting for electricity or gas depends entirely on the type of energy user and the amount of energy used.

For smaller and some medium sized users it is possible to provide prices almost immediately using what is called the “Matrix”, but some intermediaries, (as they are called), will apply inflated margins to the price quoted by a supplier, and some intermediaries will only work with a handful of suppliers. At Powerful Allies we have access to all main energy suppliers and we have a fair price promise which means we work within the basic commission structure. As such, our procurement services are free to our clients, our commission being paid from the energy supplier wholesale margin. We are always willing to disclose our commission on any transaction.

When you have submitted the simple application form, we will contact you to discuss your existing supply. If you have a renewal notice or bill this will help, but it is not essential. We will need certain specific details from you which will enable us

to quote accurately, and existing industry databases enable us to fill any gaps.

At some stage you will be asked to provide a Letter of Authority, LOA on your own business letterhead. This is an essential document which is required by all energy suppliers. We prefer you to see it in advance so you are not misled later in the process. All intermediaries will require an LOA and we are confident the Powerful Allies LOA is the most clear, fair and transparent of the lot.

Armed with the LOA we can then not only provide excellent prices but we can also manage the entire process to include new contracts with your existing supplier, or with new suppliers if switching is preferred.

At no stage are we authorised to enter into new energy contracts on your behalf, all energy contracts will be signed by a representative of your business.

Are you looking for more information?

The Powerful Allies team are here to help, please get in touch or call us on 01380 860196.