Introducing the Powerful Allies Schools Carbon Challenge – an exciting initiative to help you reduce your Cost, Consumption and Carbon-Dioxide (C02) Emissions.
Group Energy Buying for a Sustainable Future for Multi-Academy Trusts and School Groups. Delivering electricity contracts from 100% Renewable sources at Zero added cost.
Going green means to live life, as an individual as well as a community, in a way that is friendly to the natural environment and is sustainable for the Earth.
Powerful Allies will offer whatever resources we can to help you identify waste energy and cut it and often the solutions are staring us in the face.
Discover how Powerful Allies can guide you through the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) framework and assist you with compliance.
Green gas is made by turning organic matter into biomethane through a process called anaerobic digestion. Powerful Allies can help to find energy saving options that are right for you.
Powerful Allies can undertake your ESOS Compliance work, utilising our in-house ESOS Registered Lead Assessor.
Ofgem’s Targeted Charging Review (TCR) will make significant changes to the transmission (TNUoS) and distribution (DUoS) residual network charging structures from April 2022 onwards. Powerful Allies can help.
Your energy bill is made up of more than just the cost of the actual electricity and gas (Commodity) you use, we explain more and answer your FAQs.
This unique Charter for Energy Procurement underpins the ethos at Powerful Allies to deliver Best Value and Best Practice energy supply contracts.
Energy Procurement can be broken down into four key elements, Powerful Allies can help to guide you though.
The levy is expected to launch in Autumn 2021 with the first collection being made in April 2022. Have you got questions? We can help!
On a virtually daily basis, we encounter schools which have been given misleading advice with regards to VAT on energy bills, leading to possible penalties from HMRC. This guidance note is intended to clarify an essentially straightforward piece of legislation.
The installation of LEDs in Independent Schools will undoubtedly reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, so there is no real argument about the long-term necessity for change. There are compelling reasons to adopt LEDs by default.